Binary to Hex Converter to Convert Base 2 to Base 16

Binary to Hexadecimal Converter Sign

This calculator will convert binary numbers into hexadecimal numbers and display a conversion chart to show how it calculated the answer.

If you're not sure what a binary number is, or you would like to convert a binary number to a decimal number instead, please visit the binary to decimal conversion calculator for a more detailed explanation.

Or, if you are not familiar with what a hexadecimal number is, please visit the decimal to hexadecimal conversion calculator page for a description.

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Also on this page:

Binary to Hexadecimal Converter

Convert Binary Number to Hexadecimal Number (base 2 to base 16).

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Selected Data Record:

A Data Record is a set of calculator entries that are stored in your web browser's Local Storage. If a Data Record is currently selected in the "Data" tab, this line will list the name you gave to that data record. If no data record is selected, or you have no entries stored for this calculator, the line will display "None".

DataData recordData recordSelected data record: None
Binary:Binary:Binary number (base 2):Binary number (base 2):

Binary number (1's and 0's):

Enter the binary number you would like to convert into a hexadecimal number. Note that the entered number may only consist of ones and zeros, and the leading number must not be a zero.

Hexadecimal:Hexadecimal:Hexadecimal (base 16) equivalent:Hexadecimal (base 16) equivalent:

Hexadecimal (base 16) equivalent:

This is the hexadecimal equivalent to the entered binary number. Note that after clicking the Convert Binary to Hexadecimal button the binary to hex converter will display a detailed explanation of how it arrived at the result immediately below this line.

If you would like to save the current entries to the secure online database, tap or click on the Data tab, select "New Data Record", give the data record a name, then tap or click the Save button. To save changes to previously saved entries, simply tap the Save button. Please select and "Clear" any data records you no longer need.

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How to convert binary to hexadecimal.

Five Easy Steps to Converting Binary to Hexadecimal

If you would like to perform the conversion manually instead of using the binary to hex converter, here are the 5 steps for manually converting a binary (base 2) number into a hexadecimal (base 16) number:

Step #1: Working from right to left, split the binary number into groups of 4 digits. If the left-most grouping has less than 4 digits, make up the difference with zeros. To illustrate this step, as well as the steps that follow, we will use the binary number 11001101101.

Step #1: Create Groups of 4 Digits

ABinary groups of 4:0110 0110 1101 

Note that 1 zero was added to the front of the left-most grouping to make it a group of 4 digits.

Step #2: Populate the next row with "8 4 2 1" under each grouping. The 8-4-2-1 represents the binary place values for each of the four positions, the combination of which total up to 15 (the highest digit that can be used in a base 16 number, similar to the "9" in the decimal system).

Step #2: Place "8 4 2 1" Under Each Set of 4

ABinary groups of 4:0110 0110 1101 
BBinary place value :8421 8421 8421 

Step #3: Multiply each digit in Row A by the corresponding place value in Row B and place the result in Row C.

Step #3: Multiply Digits in Row A by Row B

ABinary groups of 4:0110 0110 1101 
BBinary place value:8421 8421 8421 
CProduct of A * B:0420 0420 8401 

Step #4: Add the products in Row C for each group of 4 and place the total in Row D.

Step #4: Add Products in Row C for Each Group

ABinary groups of 4:0110 0110 1101 
BBinary place value:8421 8421 8421 
CProduct of A * B:0420 0420 8401 
DSum of 4 C's:6 6 13 

Step #5: Change any values in Row D that are greater than 9 into the hexadecimal letter they are represented by.

Step #5: Convert Values Greater Than 9 to Hex Letters

ABinary groups of 4:0110 0110 1101 
BBinary place value :8421 8421 8421 
CProduct of A * B:0420 0420 8401 
DSum of 4 C's:6 6 13 
EHexadecimal digit :6 6 D 

In hexadecimal notation, A=10, B=11, C=12, D=13, E=14, and F=15. Note that the above is how the binary to hex converter shows its work for each conversion.

So you see, the binary number 11001101101 converts to the hexadecimal number 66D, which can be written as 66D16, 66Dh, or 0x66D.

Adjust Calculator Width:

Move the slider to left and right to adjust the calculator width. Note that the Help and Tools panel will be hidden when the calculator is too wide to fit both on the screen. Moving the slider to the left will bring the instructions and tools panel back into view.

Also note that some calculators will reformat to accommodate the screen size as you make the calculator wider or narrower. If the calculator is narrow, columns of entry rows will be converted to a vertical entry form, whereas a wider calculator will display columns of entry rows, and the entry fields will be smaller in size ... since they will not need to be "thumb friendly".

Show/Hide Popup Keypads:

Select Show or Hide to show or hide the popup keypad icons located next to numeric entry fields. These are generally only needed for mobile devices that don't have decimal points in their numeric keypads. So if you are on a desktop, you may find the calculator to be more user-friendly and less cluttered without them.

Stick/Unstick Tools:

Select Stick or Unstick to stick or unstick the help and tools panel. Selecting "Stick" will keep the panel in view while scrolling the calculator vertically. If you find that annoying, select "Unstick" to keep the panel in a stationary position.

If the tools panel becomes "Unstuck" on its own, try clicking "Unstick" and then "Stick" to re-stick the panel.