
About the The Income Calculator Menu section

We've all heard the phrase "Time is Money," but have you ever stopped to consider that the opposite is also true? The opposite being, "Money is Time."

Money IS Time

Consider this. When you spend time serving an employer or customer, the employer or customer gives you a receipt for your time in the form of a denomination of money. In other words, money is simply a receipt for time spent serving others, which in turn can be exchanged for other people's time (their time spent providing goods and services to you).

How much are these time receipts worth? Well, that depends on what you do with them. So before you go blaming your boss, company, or customers for any financial woes you might have, consider who's been managing the time receipts.

If you exchange a denomination of your time receipts for a product or service that loses all of its value within a short time of purchase (an expendable), the return on your time spent serving others is limited to the momentary value provided by the product or service.

Or, if you exchange a denomination of your time receipts for a product or service for which the value decreases over time (a depreciable asset), then again, the return on your time spent serving others is limited to the ever-decreasing value of the product or service.

Finally, if you exchange a denomination of your time receipts for a product or service for which the value increases over time (an appreciable asset), then the return on your time spent serving others can grow exponentially (compounding interest). In fact, as you exchange more and more of your time receipts for appreciable assets, you will become increasingly free to work at what you want, when you want, where you want, and with whomever you want.

Time is your ONLY and Most Precious Resource

Now, if you agree that Money IS time, then it's important also to realize that you only have one thing in your life that you can exchange for happiness. It's your time (money in your possession is banked time). And since time is your life's limited and most precious resource, you should ask yourself this question each an every time you contemplate exchanging a portion of your banked time, or in the case of buying on credit, exchanging your future time for a product or service:

Will this exchange of my life's most precious resource serve to maximize the emotional returns from the time I invested in serving others?

And be sure to keep this in mind as well. One of the things you can exchange banked time for is time off from work, i.e., time to spend with people who care about you as a person, not just for what you can do for them.

Of course, the more you dislike your work (how you're choosing to serve others), the less likely you will be able to exchange your time receipts for something that will more than offset the emotional losses you're experiencing from work.

More on that subject throughout this site. For now, just something to think about as you use the calculators located in the income calculator section.

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