Non-Monthly Expense Budget Calculator for Irregular Bills and Expenses

Non-Monthly Bills Budget Calculator Sign

This calculator will help you to meet your irregular bills and expenses as they come due.

Simply enter any number of irregular bills and expenses and the calculator cash-flow calculations will tell you how much is due each month, and at what point your cash flow account is in danger of running in the red.

Plus, the calculator will give you the option of printing out a customized blank budget worksheet and/or a completed cash flow budget form.

If you would prefer to handle irregular bills and expenses using a hybrid envelope budgeting system, please visit the Cash Budgeting Calculator.

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Also on this page:

Non-Monthly Bills Budget Calculator

Translate non-monthly bills into monthly amounts, in order to budget an amount to set aside so you can pay your irregular bills and expenses as they come due.

Special Instructions

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Selected Data Record:

A Data Record is a set of calculator entries that are stored in your web browser's Local Storage. If a Data Record is currently selected in the "Data" tab, this line will list the name you gave to that data record. If no data record is selected, or you have no entries stored for this calculator, the line will display "None".

DataData recordData recordSelected data record: None
Start:Start:Start month:Start month:

Start month:

Select the current month or the month you want the cash flow calculations to start. If the current month is more than half over, you may want to start the plan next month.

Funds availFunds availableCurrent funds available for non-monthly expensesCurrent funds available for non-monthly expenses:

Current funds available for non-monthly expenses:

Enter the total of any funds you have available to start your cash flow plan. Enter as a dollar amount, but without the dollar sign and any commas.

Depending on when you start your plan, depositing the monthly average may not be enough to avoid negative balances.

Monthly amtMonthly amountAmount you can set aside each monthAmount you can set aside each month

Irregular Set-Aside Amounts:

Enter irregular set-aside amounts that will be over and above the monthly set-aside amount (without dollar signs or commas).


Amount you can set aside each month:

Enter the maximum monthly amount you feel you can deposit to your non-monthly expense account. Enter as a dollar amount, but without the dollar sign and any commas.

If you want to add set-aside amounts on a month-by-month basis, expand the description in this row to open the "Irregular Set-Aside Amounts" widget.

If the total set-aside is let than the annual expense total, this often leads to an increase in debt -- which would further reduce your cash flow.

Add, Edit, Delete BillsAdd, Edit, Delete Non-Monthly BillsAdd, Edit, Delete Non-Monthly Bills and ExpensesAdd, Edit, Delete Non-Monthly Bills and Expenses

Enter/Edit/Delete Non-Monthly Bills and Expenses:

To add a non-monthly expense, enter the name and the amounts due for each applicable month, and then tap the + button (may also appear as "Add" or "Add Expense" depending on the width of your device).

To edit a non-monthly expense in the list, select the entered expense from the menu. This will load the expense into the form for editing. When you're satisfied with the changes you've made, tap the S button (may also appear as "Save" or "Save Changes" depending on the width of your device).

To delete an expense from the list, select the entered expense from the menu. This will load the expense into the form for deleting. Tap the button (may also appear as "Delete" depending on the width of your device).

To clear the form to create a new expense entry, tap the C button (may also appear as "Clr" or "Clear" depending on the width of your device).

Important! The entered expenses are saved in your device's random memory (temporary storage), which means that if you surf to another calculator or close this browser window you will need to re-enter your expenses.

Non-Monthly Expense List:

Each entered expense will appear in this menu as you enter them.

To edit or delete an entered expense, select the expense from the menu and the calculator will load the expense's saved variables into the appropriate fields below this line. You can then either edit and save the changes, or you can delete the expense from your list.

0 Items
Exp name:Expense name:Non-Monthly household expense name:Non-Monthly household expense name:

Non-Monthly household expense name:

Enter a name (with no quotation marks) for the non-monthly expense you want to add (car insurance, car license, property taxes, vacation, gift giving, school clothing, school supplies, etc). Then enter any payments to the month fields they apply to, and then click the Add button.

Annual:Annual total:Total annual expense:Total annual expense:

Total annual expense:

This is the total annual cost of all entered payments for the non-monthly expense you are adding or changing.

Monthly avg:Monthly average:Average monthly amount:Average monthly amount:

Average monthly amount:

This is the total annual cost of all entered payments for the non-monthly expense you are adding or changing, divided by 12 months.

Total Month-to-Month ExpTotal Month-to-Month ExpensesTotal Month-to-Month Non-Monthly ExpensesTotal Month-to-Month Non-Monthly Bills and Expenses

Total Month-to-Month Non-Monthly Bills and Expenses:

This section will display the monthly totals of all entered non-monthly expenses as you enter them. This section will also display a 1-year cash flow report showing you the month-by-month balance of your non-monthly expense account.

Note that if you want to print out a blank worksheet, tap the "Printer Friendly Worksheet" button before making any entries to the calculator (or after resetting the calculator).

Total annual:Total annual non-monthly:Total annual non-monthly expenses:Total annual non-monthly bills and expenses:
Total monthly average:Total monthly average:Total monthly average of non-monthly expenses:Total monthly average of non-monthly expenses:

If you would like to save the current entries to the secure online database, tap or click on the Data tab, select "New Data Record", give the data record a name, then tap or click the Save button. To save changes to previously saved entries, simply tap the Save button. Please select and "Clear" any data records you no longer need.

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monthly budget calculatorbudgeting toolspending tracker

Help and Tools


The importance of setting aside funds to meet non-monthly bills and expenses as they come due.

The Life Blood of Your Life Business

As I've stated countless times on this website, your life is just as much a business as any traditional business. And if you hope to achieve the same level of emotional profitability as successful traditional businesses achieve monetary profitability, then you must track, plan, and monitor your personal finances with the same diligence and attention to detail as they do.

Having been in business for myself for most of my adult life, I have seen countless businesses start, but only a handful that manage to survive more than a year or two. And if there's a common thread between all of the business failings I've witnessed, it's that the owners (now former owners) lacked a keen understanding of cash flow -- which is the life blood of any business, including yours.

Are You Pulling Water Skiers Behind Your Insurance Premium?

Most business failings start the same way.

The new business owner suddenly sees a "surplus" in his/her checking account, and the next thing you know they can be seen driving a new pickup towing a new speed boat.

But what these owners fail to realize, is that the cash they spent was not at all "surplus," but instead was cash that was supposed to be set aside to pay for accrued expenses (expenses that were incurred previously, but not billed until a later date).

In other words, what these owners mistook for being play money, was in fact money that had technically already been spent.

For example, if the business was just entering its 3rd operating quarter, and the annual insurance premium of $15,000 was due in December, then at least $7,500 ($15,000 ÷ 2) of the money spent for the new pickup and boat should have been held in reserve to make the insurance premium when it comes due.

But an insurance premium is only one of many types of expenses that accrue over time, but for which the bill doesn't come due until some time in the future.

Here are a few accruing, non-monthly expenses that might apply to your life business:

  • Holiday and special occasion gift giving
  • School clothing and supplies
  • Car license plates/tabs
  • Car insurance
  • Car maintenance, repairs, and replacement
  • Property taxes
  • Dues and subscriptions
  • Vacations
  • Union dues and club memberships
  • Home repairs, maintenance and equipment replacement
  • Life insurance
  • Medical, dental, and optical procedures
  • Funeral and burial expenses
  • Tax preparation
  • College tuition
  • Retirement

Regardless of whether or not you choose to set money aside for your accruing expenses, they are accruing and the bills will be coming due. If you don't have the cash available to pay them, you might enter the first stage of going out of business -- negative cash flows.

Negative Cash Flows: First Stage of Business Failure

The first stage of going out of business occurs when the business is unable, untrained, or unwilling to meet accrued expenses as they come due.

This forces the business owner to borrow funds in order to pay those expenses.

In turn, this increased debt then leads to reduced cash flows (higher debt payments), which then leads to even more debt.

This vicious cycle eventually stops when lenders are no longer willing to borrow the owner money. Bye, bye business.

Again, your life business is no different. If you are unable, untrained, or unwilling to set aside funds for your accruing expenses, don't be surprised if one of your non-monthly expenses turns out to be ... a "retainer fee" for a bankruptcy attorney.

Cash to your life business is like gasoline to a gas powered automobile. Without it your life can't go anywhere. So I hope you will take the necessary steps to keep your "cash" tank from running on empty.

The first necessary step is to use the non-monthly expense budget calculator to forecast your accruing expenses.

The next step is to open a separate "cash flow" checking account and begin depositing the monthly average amount into that account. This will enable you to pay all of your irregular bills and expenses as they come due.

Adjust Calculator Width:

Move the slider to left and right to adjust the calculator width. Note that the Help and Tools panel will be hidden when the calculator is too wide to fit both on the screen. Moving the slider to the left will bring the instructions and tools panel back into view.

Also note that some calculators will reformat to accommodate the screen size as you make the calculator wider or narrower. If the calculator is narrow, columns of entry rows will be converted to a vertical entry form, whereas a wider calculator will display columns of entry rows, and the entry fields will be smaller in size ... since they will not need to be "thumb friendly".

Show/Hide Popup Keypads:

Select Show or Hide to show or hide the popup keypad icons located next to numeric entry fields. These are generally only needed for mobile devices that don't have decimal points in their numeric keypads. So if you are on a desktop, you may find the calculator to be more user-friendly and less cluttered without them.

Stick/Unstick Tools:

Select Stick or Unstick to stick or unstick the help and tools panel. Selecting "Stick" will keep the panel in view while scrolling the calculator vertically. If you find that annoying, select "Unstick" to keep the panel in a stationary position.

If the tools panel becomes "Unstuck" on its own, try clicking "Unstick" and then "Stick" to re-stick the panel.