If you are using the latest version of your preferred web browser software (and one that supports Local Storage), this feature allows you quickly navigate to your favorite calculators on the site.
- Located in the upper left-hand corner of the window ("Favs" on smartphones).
- this button should slide out a scrollable Favorites panel from left. here to open it.
- the Add button to add the page you are on to your Favorites list.
- the Remove button to remove the page you are on from your Favorites list.
- the button links under My Favorites to go to that page.
- or tap the Close Favorites button to hide the Favorites panel.
If you are using the latest version of your preferred web browser software (and one that supports Local Storage), this feature allows you to save your entries in between visits.
If you have wanted to use one of my more entry intensive calculators (budgeting, consolidation, etc.), but you don't have time to complete all of the entries, you can now save what you have and pick up where you left off on your next visit.
On each calculator page you will see a tab labeled "Data" (under the page header on small-screen devices, right column on wide-screen devices).
Data tab will display a form wherein you can save named sets of entries for the calculator, as well any notes and ideas that come to mind while using the calculator.
To backup your saved entries in case they get lost, the "Data" form includes a button labeled "Backup Data". this button will expand a form wherein you can load your data into a text field. You can then copy the data and save it to a text-only document (Notepad on Windows or TextEdit on Mac) on your hard drive. That way, if your data goes missing, you can reload your data from your saved backup file. You can also use this Backup feature to transfer your saved data on the free site, to the Ad-Free Member Version.
Please refer to the "Help and Tools" instructions on a given calculator page for more specific instructions.
Since your entries and notes are saved to your web browser on your device ...
- You can only recall the saved entries and notes while using the same device and web browser you were using when you saved them.
- I don't have access to your stored entries and notes for troubleshooting purposes.
- If you upgrade your web browser, your saved notes and entries may be lost.
Just above each calculator is a button labeled "Calculator Preferences". this button will expand the preferences options, which vary depending on the width of your screen:
Small and Large Screen Preferences
Large Screen Only Preferences
- Adjust Calculator Width:
Move the slider left and right to decrease or increase the width of the calculator to suit your preferences.
Note that some calculators will display a mobile optimized form at narrow calculator widths, and a desktop optimized form for wider calculator widths.
Also note that if you set the calculator to a very wide width, the "Help and Tools" panel will be hidden from view (useful if the "Help and Tools" panel is overlapping part of the calculator).
- Stick/Unstick Tools:
If you would like to stop the "Help and Tools" panel from staying in view as you scroll the page, choose the Unstick preference.
If you are using the latest version of your preferred web browser software (and one that supports Local Storage), your Dashboard allows you to view all of the following on one page.
- Links to all of your Favorites.
- All of your saved notes.
- Links to all calculator that have saved entries.
If you'd like to use an uncluttered, lightening fast version of this website, I invite you to subscribe to Ad-Free Member Version, which offers 2 levels.
Basic Level
Same as the free version you are using now, but without the ads. Cost: $6.97 per year.
Cloud Level
This version saves your entries and notes to a secure online database. This means ...
- You can access your saved entries and notes from any device or web browser.
- I have access to your saved data for troubleshooting purposes.
- I back up your data on a regular basis.
The cost for the Cloud version is $12.97 per year.
Subscribe Here or get complete details here.
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