Workout Log Sheet Maker: Organize and Track Your Workouts

Workout Log Sheet Maker Sign

This online workout schedule maker will create either a printable blank exercise log sheet, a custom log sheet based on your own categories and exercises, or a log sheet based on my own weight lifting workout schedule.

Over the years of working out at the gym during the winter months (when the golf courses are closed), I've come up with a system of planning and tracking my workouts that has become very popular with my friends and family.

In fact, the reason I decided to add the workout log sheet maker to the website is because one of my daughters is moving out of the area and asked if there was a way I could set up something where she could design and print her own gym workout chart online.

For an explanation as to how and why I use this log sheet system, please visit the Learn tab.

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Workout Log Sheet Maker

Create and print a workout log sheet, blank, filled-in with examples, or from your own categories and exercises.

Special Instructions

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Selected Data Record:

A Data Record is a set of calculator entries that are stored in your web browser's Local Storage. If a Data Record is currently selected in the "Data" tab, this line will list the name you gave to that data record. If no data record is selected, or you have no entries stored for this calculator, the line will display "None".

DataData recordData recordSelected data record: None
Workout Chart Preferences
Title:Title (optional):Title (optional):Title (optional):

Title (optional):

If you would like a title to be included at the top of the chart, enter the title here. If not you can leave this field blank.

# of sets:Number of sets:Number of sets per exercise:Number of sets per exercise:

Number of sets per exercise:

Select the number of sets you would like included for each exercise. Note that the higher the number of sets you select, the fewer the number of exercises that will fit within a single page.

# of rows:Number of rows:Number of rows per exercise:Number of rows per exercise:

Number of rows per exercise:

Select the number of sets you would like included for each exercise. Note that the higher the number of sets you select, the fewer the number of exercises that will fit within a single page.

Categories and Exercises
Cat #1Cat #1Category #1Category #1:
Category #1 Exercises:
Exercise #1:
Exercise #2:
Exercise #3:
Exercise #4:
Exercise #5:

Category #1:

Enter a name for category #1 and then tap the "Category #1" button in this row to enter the category's exercises. Blank category name fields will not be included in the workout log sheet unless you select Blank from the Type menu. Also note that category names will be truncated to 14 characters in the printed workout sheet.

Cat #2Cat #2Category #2Category #2:
Category #2 Exercises:
Exercise #1:
Exercise #2:
Exercise #3:
Exercise #4:
Exercise #5:

Category #2:

Enter a name for category #2 and then tap the "Category #2" button in this row to enter the category's exercises. Blank category name fields will not be included in the workout log sheet unless you select Blank from the Type menu. Also note that category names will be truncated to 14 characters in the printed workout sheet.

Cat #3Cat #3Category #3Category #3:
Category #3 Exercises:
Exercise #1:
Exercise #2:
Exercise #3:
Exercise #4:
Exercise #5:

Category #3:

Enter a name for category #3 and then tap the "Category #3" button in this row to enter the category's exercises. Blank category name fields will not be included in the workout log sheet unless you select Blank from the Type menu. Also note that category names will be truncated to 14 characters in the printed workout sheet.

Cat #4Cat #4Category #4Category #4:
Category #4 Exercises:
Exercise #1:
Exercise #2:
Exercise #3:
Exercise #4:
Exercise #5:

Category #4:

Enter a name for category #4 and then tap the "Category #4" button in this row to enter the category's exercises. Blank category name fields will not be included in the workout log sheet unless you select Blank from the Type menu. Also note that category names will be truncated to 14 characters in the printed workout sheet.

Cat #5Cat #5Category #5Category #5:
Category #5 Exercises:
Exercise #1:
Exercise #2:
Exercise #3:
Exercise #4:
Exercise #5:

Category #5:

Enter a name for category #5 and then tap the "Category #5" button in this row to enter the category's exercises. Blank category name fields will not be included in the workout log sheet unless you select Blank from the Type menu. Also note that category names will be truncated to 14 characters in the printed workout sheet.

Type:Chart type:Type of chart:Type of chart:

Type of chart:

Select either Filled In or Blank and then click the Preview Workout Log Sheet button. This will load the sheet into the scrollable area below the button. If you are happy with the preview, scroll down and click the Printable Workout Log Sheet button.

If you would like to save the current entries to the secure online database, tap or click on the Data tab, select "New Data Record", give the data record a name, then tap or click the Save button. To save changes to previously saved entries, simply tap the Save button. Please select and "Clear" any data records you no longer need.

Help and Tools


How and why I use this workout log sheet system.

I will attempt to explain the log sheet system I use and why it works for me, and then you can decide if you want to try the system yourself.

The workout log sheets I designed for my own use help me to ...

  • Know where to start each new workout season.
  • Know which exercises to do when even if I miss a few days.
  • Know how much weight to use and when it's time to bump up the weight.
  • Instantly see my strength improvement over time.
  • Workout any number of days per week while still giving muscle groups adequate recovery time.
  • Keep my workouts short and simple, while still hitting all basic muscle groups.

Log Sheet Categories

Here is an example of a muscle-group category (chest and laterals) made up of five exercises. Each exercise has fields to record the weight and reps for three sets, and each row in the chart represents a single day.

Example of workout log sheet category.

Note that categories can be labeled as muscle groups, days of the week, or whatever you deem appropriate for your workout plan.

Log Sheet Exercises

Here is an example of how I log the weights and reps for each exercise:

Example of log sheet for one exercise.

I start the season doing 1 set of each exercise, and then gradually increase to 3 sets.

Once I get to 3 sets, I start using a weight that allows me to do sets of 20, 15, and 12 reps.

Each time I repeat the exercise, I try to increase the 2nd and 3rd sets by at least 1 rep each.

Once I am doing 3 sets of 20 reps, I bump up the weight.

Log Sheet Clipboard

I rig up a clipboard with a mechanical pencil and some velcro, like this:

Example of workout log sheet on clipboard.

My Workout Routine

I start each workout session with 10-minutes of stretching.

Next, I do a 20-minute cardio using either an elliptical machine, stair stepper, treadmill, or jump rope (my favorite). Whichever cardio method I decide to use for a particular day, I just try to maintain my target heart rate for the full 20 minutes.

Next, I complete the weight lifting exercises in the category that is due that day (1 row on the sheet), with 60-90 seconds of rest between each set.

Finally, I finish the workout with three core exercises. Typically these consist of 3 30-second sets of seated oblique twists, planks, and leg raises. But I do mix it up with other core exercises, such as crunches, med ball throws, cable machine twists, and more.

The total workout typically takes an hour and fifteen minutes.

Same Muscle Groups, Different Exercises

Since your muscles can become impervious to a given exercise after a period of time (at least in my opinion), I recommend creating and printing sheets that have the same muscle groups, but with a different method for each exercise. You then simply rotate your workout sheets on a periodic basis.

For example, for biceps, one sheet might list "Dumbbell Curls," another might list "Standing Barbell Curls," and another might list "Seated Barbell Curls."

Each muscle group has numerous exercise variations for targeting the group. Alternating exercise variations will not only keep your workout from getting stale, but your muscles may respond more favorably as well.

Adjust Calculator Width:

Move the slider to left and right to adjust the calculator width. Note that the Help and Tools panel will be hidden when the calculator is too wide to fit both on the screen. Moving the slider to the left will bring the instructions and tools panel back into view.

Also note that some calculators will reformat to accommodate the screen size as you make the calculator wider or narrower. If the calculator is narrow, columns of entry rows will be converted to a vertical entry form, whereas a wider calculator will display columns of entry rows, and the entry fields will be smaller in size ... since they will not need to be "thumb friendly".

Show/Hide Popup Keypads:

Select Show or Hide to show or hide the popup keypad icons located next to numeric entry fields. These are generally only needed for mobile devices that don't have decimal points in their numeric keypads. So if you are on a desktop, you may find the calculator to be more user-friendly and less cluttered without them.

Stick/Unstick Tools:

Select Stick or Unstick to stick or unstick the help and tools panel. Selecting "Stick" will keep the panel in view while scrolling the calculator vertically. If you find that annoying, select "Unstick" to keep the panel in a stationary position.

If the tools panel becomes "Unstuck" on its own, try clicking "Unstick" and then "Stick" to re-stick the panel.